Sunday, August 23, 2009

fantasizing fried chicken

its still kadayawan today, like the usual i spent my time staying and doing nothing here infront of the computer. obviously, i dont know what really is happening outside davao. to think many have come from so far away lands just to have a taste of what it feels like when its kadayawan. not to mention lia-myoldfriend, who came all the way from up dil. i dont know her intentions of going here, but definitely she enjoyed the festival.

last night kya jay, oliver, gerry and I went to MTS to take our (oliver,ace and me) usual walking sessions. well oliver and i just decided few minutes before we stepped out of our office to have the longest walking session that we ever had. we were suppposed to walk upto matina and ride our way home. but because it was actualy kadayawan i thought i had to enjoy it a little. so i told oliver that i would walk with him upto mts and maybe take some time to take a look of whats happening to people when its kadayawan.

at MTS there was this cool booth from the PMA, which i think one of the best things that was in there. i remembered back in highschool, i dreamed to be one like them. but i am all over with it. i decided that i could have a better life outside of it. hehe.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the new chicken master..

its been days since i had a taste of my favorite fried chicken.. im talking about chicken tsunami.. i miss fried chicken. its just that lately i feel my throats too dry to eat fried chicken. but i am pretty much excited about the new fried chicken restaurant at duterte. its beside the old internet cafe that i used to go to, clickerz. hehe.
the name of the restaurant is chicken master, and according to oliver their chicken is delicious and the size are way big enough compared to most chicken meals at downtown.

im coming to you soon.. .wowoowweee!