Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Justifying myself on blogging about chicken, Fried Chicken Most especially.

I dont have a great idea on how to start this blog right, but I am completely positive about this. I decided to blog about this when me and Oliver just had lunch at this Fried Chicken shop somewhere in Bolton Street here in Davao City. Well most oftenly when we find a place to eat in downtown, the best dish we both can eat is fried chicken, since Oliver is Jewish while I am an almost-carnivore being.

Blogging about chicken is pretty much broad, so to start with chicken i am thinking about blogging on Fried Chicken specifically. As this craze has intrigued me for now.

Fried Chicken shops in Davao are everywhere, you can find it on really unlikely streets of boulevard, or in the most crowded food courts of malls. Well, its already a craze here in Davao as you can see it practically everywhere. The best part of it is that its totally cheap. The cheapest fried chicken value meal i ate was P22, i never thought i could have such treat for only that much. For a P 22 meal i had all the pleasure to eat with it as many extra rice servings as i could. The slice had a fairly good size, and the taste was really great.

I cant date when this Fried Chicken craze started in Davao City, but definitely I know for myself when I first said that I do love Fried Chicken. I remember when i was just about 5 or 6 years old, i saw a tv commercial of a roasted chicken- i think it was from golden brown- at that time i could still remember how i always asked my father to buy me some of that roasted chicken, i called it "baboy na may pakpak" as i cant clearly imagine how a chicken came to look like one of that of whole chicken roasted. Looking at it I imagined it as pig's head. Well at that moment i was certain that i like Chicken.

Fried Chicken Shops are too many here in Davao but I would blog about them as detailed as possible. Ill be wandering over the streets and tell you guys pros and cons on eating at these Fried Chicken Shops in Davao. SO HOLD ON TO my BLog and read it.

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